天天向上 发表于 2006-4-15 21:11:27

Let's Learn English



According to his lights he has been a kind master.


解析:according to one's lights的意思是凭某人的意见或所知,往往表达否定意思,表示某人带有偏见的思想或者意见


Gabby told Bill to drop dead after he asked her out on a date.


解析:drop dead 是俚语用法,通常用来叫别人不要再打扰、干涉等,语气较强硬而粗鲁。


The situation wasn't cut and dry, and it was actually quite complicated.


解析:cut and dry 也可以说 cut and dried,本来是形容已晒干处理好,准备出售的药草,引申为“预设好的”或“已完成、无法改变的”。


I've been waiting for you for two hours, it's about time you got here!


解析:about time 常用的句型为 it is about time (that) + 子句,表示“(某人)早该(做某事)”的意思,也可以用 high time 代替 about time。


I know what Beth said is not totally accurate, but I would not go as far as to say that she is a liar.


解析:go as far as to 是表示“甚至(做到某地步)”的意思,也可说 go so far as to.


You can't back out now, we've already accomplished so much!


解析:back out 是“从某个情况抽身”或“不履行(之前的协议、承诺等)”。

City police announced a one-month crack down on drunk drivers.


解析:crack down 是指“(对违法者或违法行为)采取的严厉取缔、制裁或限制”。


Our efforts to change the unfair regulations at work turned out to be a lost cause.


解析:lost cause 表示“毫无希望、注定失败的人或事物”。

北回归线 发表于 2006-4-15 21:12:34


landball 发表于 2006-4-15 21:30:34


天空翱翔 发表于 2006-4-21 15:13:04

good.Whydon't you keeprenew!

天天向上 发表于 2006-4-21 17:03:02

引用第3楼天空翱翔于2006-04-21 15:13发表的“”:
Quite good.How to still don't renew

I dont quite understand what you said, but I guess you were asking me something about update, right?

Though I have no fixed time to login here, I will try to keep it updated.

Hope that you can benefit from it.

DGcen 发表于 2006-4-21 17:39:46

Chinese English

天天向上 发表于 2006-4-21 22:30:10

We call it \"Chinglish\"

天天向上 发表于 2006-4-22 22:04:43


She quickly scarfed down the food.


解析:scarf 原为名词“围巾”,因其音与动词 scoff“狼吞虎咽”相近,之后就有 scarf down food “狼吞虎咽地吃东西”的说法出现。

天天向上 发表于 2006-4-23 17:36:14

Cathy really ticks me off when she ignores me!


解析:tick 当动词时原指“时针滴答滴答地响”,tick someone off 则是“惹恼某人;使某人生气”。若要表示某人很生气,则以 \"ticked\" 形容。

天天向上 发表于 2006-4-25 07:49:09

May thinks Jack is cute, but I beg to differ.


解析:beg 表“请求;冒昧”之意,beg to differ 则表示“(和某人)意见不同、看法不一致”。
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